Report to/Rapport au :


Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee

Comité de l'agriculture et des affaires rurales


07 June 2011 / le 07 juin 2011


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directrice municipale adjointe, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability/Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités


Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Derrick Moodie, Manager/Gestionnaire, Development Review-Rural services/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services ruraux, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance

(613) 580-2424, 15134


Osgoode (20)

Ref N°: ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0148




subdivision – 1566 Stagecoach road




plan de lotissement – 1566, chemin stagecoach




That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee:


1.                  Give draft approval to the application on the basis that:


a.                  The plan of subdivision include no more than 34 lots, which lots would utilize the full development potential of the subject lands;


b.                  The lot fabric, road pattern and park location be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management; and


c.                   The conditions of draft approval be generally in accordance with Document 1, subject to such changes as are approved by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management following review by a Sponsor Group.


2.                  Create, for the balance of the 2010-2014 term of Council, a Sponsor Group comprised of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee to liaise with staff and developers with respect to proposed subdivisions within the Village of Greely and to recommend where such subdivisions should proceed to Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee for consideration.




Que le Comité de l’agriculture et des affaires rurales :


1.                  donne l’approbation préliminaire de la demande ŕ condition que :


a.                  le plan de lotissement ne comprenne pas plus de 34 lots, qui utiliseraient au maximum le potentiel d’aménagement des terrains en question;

b.                  le caractčre des lots, le tracé des routes et la situation des parcs soient ŕ la satisfaction du directeur général, Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance; et

c.                   les conditions de l’approbation préliminaire soient en général conformes au document 1, sujet ŕ des modifications approuvées par le directeur général, Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance aprčs examen par un groupe responsable.


2.                  crée, pour la durée restante du mandat de 2010 ŕ 2014 du Conseil, un groupe responsable, composé du président et du vice-président du Comité, qui assurera la liaison avec le personnel et les promoteurs pour ce qui est des lotissements proposés dans le village de Greely et qui formulera des recommandations destinées au Comité de l’agriculture et des affaires rurales pour les lotissements qui pourraient se matérialiser.




On 20 May 2010, the City received an application for draft approval for a plan of subdivision for 18.2 hectares in the southwest corner of the village of Greely.  A copy of the most recent proposed plan for which nitrogen/nitrate dilution calculations have been provided (this topic is discussed in detail below) is attached as Document 2. The plan, as it is currently constituted, proposes the following development:


a)      40 lots for residential purposes, each approximately 0.2 hectares size;

b)      Block 53, 5.4 hectares for future development;

c)      Block 43, 0.6 hectares for a stormwater pond;

d)     Blocks 44 and 45, 0.84 hectares, no land use assigned;

e)      A block for parkland; and

f)       Block 52 for a future road link for lands to the south.


The subject lands are designated Village in the Official Plan, which permits the proposed development.  The proposed subdivision is adjacent to the boundary of the Village of Greely.  The lands are zoned DR1, a development reserve zone.


The proposed plan of subdivision has not been the subject of a public meeting under the Planning Act and has not received draft approval, primarily as a result of differing views as to the number of residential lots that should be permitted on the subject lands. This issue is discussed in more detail below.  Due to this dispute, the applicant has appealed the plan to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB).


A hearing was scheduled for the week of 30 May 2011.  On 27 May 2011 staff were requested to seek an adjournment of the hearing to permit the matter of the subdivision to be considered by Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee.


While the zoning of the subdivision has also been appealed to the Board, it was not scheduled for a hearing as it has not been consolidated for consideration with the proposed draft plan.


The applicant has also recently applied for an Official Plan amendment, zoning amendment, and draft plan approval for the lands adjacent to the subject lands that are outside the village. This application would constitute a village expansion. Should the City not adopt the Official Plan amendment to permit such expansion the applicant would not have appeal rights until the next comprehensive review by the City of its Official Plan in 2014.




Number of Lots


The City and the applicant disagree on the number of lots that should be permitted on the subject lands on several grounds. Given the short time frame between the direction to provide this report (27 May 2011) and the finalization of the report (07 June 2011), this report deals with only the major items in dispute.  If a report on all items in dispute is required by Committee, it can be provided but additional time will be required.


The applicable provincial guideline to determine the number of lots on the subject lands is Procedure D-5-4:  Technical Guideline For Individual On-Site Sewage Systems.  This guideline, and its partner guideline for Individual Wells (D-5-5), continue to be applied with respect to development on private services within the rural area. It is noted that on 24 January 2011, the OMB released a decision upholding a refusal of draft approval by the City based on non-conformance with these guidelines.


Guideline D-5-4 provides a means for assessing the potential for unacceptable groundwater impacts through a simple analysis that predicts nitrogen/nitrate levels in groundwater as an indicator of not only their presence but also that of other potential contaminants.  The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) provides a detailed guideline, Guideline B-7:  Incorporation of The Reasonable Use Concept into MOE Groundwater Management Activities that provides for reasonable use of groundwater resources on property adjacent to sources of contaminants and establishes limits on the discharge of contaminants.  This detailed guideline is available for an applicant to use should the applicant wish to do so. Guideline D-5-4 is intended to allow for a more simplified approach that can be utilized in the evaluation of the majority of residential and commercial land development applications on private services.


The intent of the guidelines is to ensure that unacceptable impacts to do not occur in groundwater being utilized as a potable water supply.  Guideline D-5-4 provides for two means of so indicating nitrogen/nitrate levels: isolation or dilution.


Isolation is shown by proving that the source groundwater aquifer(s) is isolated hydraulically from the groundwater into which the septic is discharged.


Where, as is in the present case, isolation cannot be satisfactorily shown, the dilution method (formally “Contaminant Attenuation”) may be utilized.  With this approach, the applicant must satisfy the approval authority that the concentration of nitrogen/nitrate in the groundwater as it exits the property is not expected to exceed 10 mg/l. (the Maximum Allowable Concentration under the Ontario Drinking Water Standards).


To arrive at this determination, there are a number of inputs set out in the MOE Hydrogeological Technical Information Requirements for Land Development Applications. These are:


a)      Proposed Number of Lots;

b)      Average annual moisture surplus (as calculated by Environment Canada);

c)      Vegetation;

d)     Nature of Topography

e)      Nature of soil; and

f)       Impervious Areas (roofs driveways, roads).


There are differences of opinion between the City’s staff and witnesses for the OMB hearing and the applicant with respect to the particular factors and input that should be utilized.  The two key matters are as follows.


Use of Stormwater Pond as Volume Available for Dilution Calculation


The amount of water available for dilution is a function of the water utilized by a home and discharged into the septic system and the volume of rainfall introduced into the groundwater. 


Two different interpretations of the approach to the calculation of the guidelines are at issue in this case.


The interpretation of staff and the witnesses for the City is the amount of rainfall that will actually be introduced into the groundwater and available for dilution of the nitrogen/nitrates from the septic system is to be discounted from the total rainfall because some of the rainfall will run off over land and not be absorbed into the soil and ground water table. The presence of more impervious area or relatively more impermeable soils or terrain with greater slopes will increase the amount of run-off and decrease the amount of rainfall that percolates through the topsoil into the groundwater (i.e. infiltration or recharge).


The consultant for the applicant states the following in its report suggesting that all runoff can be utilized in the dilution calculations.  Their report states:


“With respect to the utilization of stormwater runoff in the calculations, the delineated overburden groundwater flows were utilized to confirm the applicability of the stormwater management pond (SWMP). In the case of the western segment, the overburden groundwater flow is towards the lowest area of the segment, which is where the proposed SWMP is located in the western segment.  In the eastern segment, a dry pond has been incorporated into the stormwater management plan and will retain and allow for the vertical infiltration of surplus stormwater runoff within the site limits.  As such, the runoff water has been included in the calculations as the excess runoff will be directed to the SWMP.


“Considering the relevant portions of MOE Procedure D-5-4, it is clearly stated that the guidance document has considered that stormwater facilities should be considered in the overall predictive impact assessment analysis for a site.  In this instance, the stormwater management mechanisms (i.e. shallow grassed swales and ditches, long flow channels with laminar flow characteristics, etc.) proposed for this site support the inclusions for the runoff water in the available water portion of the dilution calculations.


“Based on the aforementioned methodology and assumptions, the predictive impact assessment for the nitrate-nitrogen the western and eastern sections of the site can support upwards of 25 and 26 residential lots respectively.”


City staff are not aware of any subdivision, other than those by the present applicant and its related companies, that has suggested that through the use of a stormwater pond all runoff would be reintroduced in the groundwater.  The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, who conducted a review on behalf of the South Nation Conservation Authority and Stantec, a firm specifically retained by the City for a peer review of the Hydrogeological Study and Terrain Analysis Reports filed by the applicant, both have advised the City that based upon the information presented, they cannot support a conclusion that 100 per cent of the runoff is available for dilution.


There have been a number of hearings involving the City and the applicant and its related companies where applicant has raised the proposition of the utilisation of runoff to a stormwater pond/amenity as part of the dilution calculations.  To date, this proposition has not been a determining factor in permitting the developments to proceed. In the present case, to permit development beyond 34 lots, such utilisation of runoff to the stormwater pond for the purpose of calculating dilution levels, would, in the opinion of staff, be necessary.


In order to obtain a fresh opinion on the practice of using runoff in such a fashion in the dilution calculation, the City retained Conestoga-Rovers and Associates (CRA) from Waterloo, Ontario to do an additional review.


In their report of 18 May 2011, CRA stated:


“For the Western Segment, Paterson has included the use of runoff water in the determination of the dilution volume.  It is understood that the use of runoff was included in the western segment due to the fact the overburden groundwater flowed beneath the area of the proposed stormwater management pond (SWMP).  The consideration of runoff water is not typically done for this type of assessment and no justification for the use of runoff as dilution water was provided.  Not only was stormwater runoff used in the dilution calculation, but according to the water balance table presented in Appendix 4 of the March 2011 report, 100 per cent of the available runoff was used in the dilution calculation.  This is overly optimistic and inconsistent with the assumption of 80 per cent of runoff used in the October 2010 version of the report (see page 32 of the report).”


It is the opinion of City staff and the witnesses retained by the City that no justification has been shown by the applicant supporting the dilution calculations including 100 per cent, 80 per cent or, indeed, any other percentage from the stormwater pond.  It is therefore recommended that the stormwater pond not be considered a factor at all in the dilution calculations.


Percent Impervious and Infiltration Parameters


Small changes in the percent impervious will have a pronounced effect on the number of lots allowed. This is due to the fact that the greater the impervious area, less rainfall is available for recharge to the groundwater and subsequent dilution of the septic tank effluent.  The consultant for the developer assumed an area of 220 square meters to represent the driveway, garage and house.  The City has reviewed past developments of Sunset Lakes and has found that the actual average impervious area is 460 square metres.  Under this condition, the amount of runoff would double.  The consultant should increase the percent imperviousness thus reducing the total number of lots.


Table of MOE Infiltration Factors


Maximum Value


Minimum Value









Flat<0.06% slope





Open Sandy Soil


Tight impervious clay





Cultivated lands







As noted above, there are a number of inputs required to determine the volume of water available for dilution.  Three of these inputs [topography (or slope), vegetative cover and soil type) are used to developed what is termed the infiltration factor.  The table above highlights the range of values by showing the maximium values and the minimum values.  The calculated infiltration factor is used to estimate the percentage of the moisture surplus that is available for dilution.  The consultant should assume future conditions when determining the slope and vegetative cover for estimating the infiltration factor.  The following example assumes no contribution from stormwater runoff and demonstrates the effect that the infiltration factors have at determining the number of lots.  If one assumes the highest numbers for the three components of the infiltration factor: slope, soil and vegetative cover (infiltration factor of 0.9) then the site can support 52 lots.  If one assumes the lowest values (infiltration factor of 0.3) then the site can support 17 lots.  The consultant’s estimate of 51 lots is not supportable.


East Segment and West Segment


As a result of the direction of groundwater flows, precipitation in the western area will not serve to dilute the concentration of nitrogen/nitrates in the eastern area nor will precipitation in the eastern area serve to dilute the concentration of nitrogen/nitrates in the western area.  As a result, both City staff and the applicant’s consultant have provided their advice as to the number of residential lots that should be permitted based upon a western/eastern divide. 


Notwithstanding the advice of the applicant’s consultant that 25 lots and 26 lots could be permitted in the western and eastern sections respectively, the applicant’s proposed plan provides for 22 lots in the west and 18 lots in the east.


City staff have performed a dilution calculation and conclude that 20 lots can be permitted in the east segment and 14 lots in the west.  The position that was to be taken by the City at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing is that draft approval should not be granted but rather remitted to the City and the applicant for further discussions.  As there are a number of ways that a specific number of lots can be laid out with street patterns, it was felt that this approach would permit the applicant to design its subdivision.  However, if the number of lots is endorsed at 34 by Committee, this will permit the applicant to design the subdivision with this number of lots prior to returning to the Board for draft approval.




The City does not support the applicant’s proposal for a 51-lot subdivision.  The City, the City’s two consultants and the RVCA all agree that 51 lots will result in a situation where concentrations of nitrogen/nitrates in the groundwater as it exits the property will exceed 10 mg/l (the Maximum Allowable Concentration (health parameter) under the Ontario Drinking Water Standards).  Human consumption of water with concentrations of nitrogen/nitrates above the MOE health parameter of 10 mg/l can be a health hazard.


The main reason that the City believes that the developer’s consultant is over estimating the number of lots is the parameters they chose to estimate the infiltration available for dilution.  The important ones in this case are:


1)      City does not agree with using 100 per cent of the runoff for nitrate dilution.

2)      Developer should use a more representative number for the percent of impervious area.

3)      The consultant should use infiltration factors that truly represent future development conditions.




While an Ontario Municipal Board hearing would provide five days to go through conditions of draft approval in detail, that amount of time is not available before a Standing Committee of Council.  Staff and the applicant agree that it would be worthwhile to find another means by which the conditions could be discussed prior to any hearing.


Further, as has been noted above, there have been a number of hearings involving subdivisions in Greely and a means to facilitate discussions moving forward with respect to present and future applications may be appropriate.


The precedent of a Sponsors Group, comprised of Councillors, has been used in the past to facilitate discussions particularly, as with the development charges review, where consultations with the development industry were taking place.


Staff are therefore proposing a Sponsors Group for Greely subdivisions comprised of the Chair and Vice-Chair of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee.  This group would meet with staff and applicants on an as needed basis to review any concerns that arise during the subdivision process.  No change would be made to the delegation of authority but the group could provide input to resolve disputes.  Where resolution cannot be achieved, the group could provide a recommendation that delegated authority be lifted and the application proceed to Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee.


In the present case, the group would meet with staff and the developer to determine if agreement on the conditions of draft approval could be reached.


It is proposed that the role of this Sponsors Group would end with the expiration of the present term of Council.  The group could be reactivated in the next term if such is believed to be necessary.




As a subdivision within the rural area, the subdivision has been evaluated against the applicable rural policy provisions in the Official Plan.




Due to the fundamental dispute over the number of lots, no public meeting has been held with respect to this subdivision.  Members of the public are entitled to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board and seek party or participant status.




The Ward Councillor is aware of this report and the recommendation.




As a result of the applicant’s appeal, the Ontario Municipal Board is vested with the approval authority for this subdivision.  Thus, while Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee has delegated authority to provide instructions to the City’s legal counsel, formal approval authority rests with the Board.


Following Committee consideration of this hearing, the applicant will be required to provide notice of a new hearing.  Should a contested hearing occur, it is estimated to last one week.  The estimated cost to the City for the two firms retained to provide professional opinion evidence is $14,000.








Following Committee consideration of this hearing, the applicant will be required to provide notice of a new hearing.  Should a contested hearing occur, it is estimated to last one week.  The estimated cost to the City for the two firms retained to provide professional opinion evidence is $14,000. Funds are not budgeted for external planning consultants; the expense may impact Planning and Growth Management’s 2011 operating status.




The levels of nitrates/nitrogen are discussed above in this report.  An Environment Impact Statement has been submitted and all other relevant matters can be addressed through standard subdivision conditions.












Document 1 – Proposed City Conditions for Draft Approval

Document 2 – Most Recent Draft Plan Proposed By Applicant

Document 3 – RVCA Comments

Document 4 – Stantec Comments

Document 5 – CRA Comments




Legal Services will present Committee’s endorsed position to the Ontario Municipal Board.






File:  D07-16-10-0015









The City of Ottawa's conditions applying to the approval of the final plan for registration of Sunset Lakes Development Corporation's 1566 Stagecoach Road Subdivision (File No. D07-16-10-0015) are as follows:




This approval applies to the draft plan certified by J.D. Barnes Limited, Ontario Land Surveyor, dated ___________________, showing 40 single family residential lots development.





The Owner agrees, by entering into a Subdivision Agreement, to satisfy all terms, conditions and obligations, financial and otherwise, of the City of Ottawa, at the Owner’s sole expense, all to the satisfaction of the City.


Clearing Agency








Prior to the issuance of a Commence Work Notification, the Owner shall obtain such permits as may be required from Municipal or Provincial authorities and shall file copies thereof with the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.





Prior to commencing construction, the Owner shall enter into a subdivision agreement with the City. The subdivision agreement shall, among other matters, require that the Owner post securities in a format approved by the City Solicitor, in an amount of 100% of the estimated cost of all works, save and except non-municipal buildings. The aforementioned security for site works shall be for works on both private and public property and shall include, but not be limited to, lot grading and drainage, landscaping and driveways, roads and road works, road drainage, underground infrastructure and services (storm, sanitary, watermains), streetlights, stormwater management works. The amount secured by the City shall be determined by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management, based on current City tender costs, which costs shall be reviewed and adjusted annually. Engineering, Inspection and



Review fees will be collected based on the estimated cost of the works as noted herein and in accordance with the City's Planning Fees By-laws, as amended.


OTTAWA Planning




The Owner acknowledges and agrees that any person who, prior to the draft plan approval, entered into a purchase and sale agreement with respect to lots or blocks created by this Subdivision, shall be permitted to withdraw from such agreement without penalty and with full refund of any deposit paid, up until the acknowledgement noted above has been executed.


The Owner shall provide to the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management an acknowledgement from those purchasers who signed a purchase and sale agreement before the Plan was draft approved, that the Plan had not received draft approval by the City. The Owner agrees that the purchase and sale agreements signed prior to draft approval shall be amended to contain a clause to notify purchasers of this fact, and to include any special warning clauses, such as but not limited to Noise Warnings and easements.





All prospective purchasers shall be informed through a clause in the agreements of purchase and sale of the presence of lightweight fill on the lands, and that the presence of such lightweight fill may result in specific restrictions on landscaping, pools, additions, decks and fencing.





The Owner, or his agents, shall not commence or permit the commencement of any site related works until such time as a pre-construction meeting has been held with Planning and Growth Management staff and until the City issues a Commence Work Notification.


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner acknowledges and agrees to convey to the City, all lands required for public purposes, including but not limited to, reserves, Road widenings, daylighting triangles, walkway blocks, open space blocks, lands required for parks, (or cash-in-lieu thereof) and for storm water measures, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner acknowledges and agrees that the approval of the subdivision is on the basis of the approved number of lots and that any splitting of these lots, if permitted by the Zoning By-law will, among other considerations, depend on the hydrogeology and terrain analysis study and any addenda and revisions thereto,



prepared for the subdivision, being reviewed by a qualified hydrogeologist to advise whether such splitting should be permitted and under what conditions.





The Owner acknowledges that prior to any further division of lots or blocks, the City may require an additional agreement to address any new or amended conditions.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees to have competent professional engineering inspection personnel on site at all times during the period of construction to supervise the Works and the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management shall have the right at all times to inspect the installation of the Works. Should it be found in the sole opinion of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management that such personnel are not on site or are incompetent in the performance of their duties, or that the said Works are not being carried out in accordance with approved plans or specifications and in accordance with good engineering practice, then the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management may order all work in the project to be stopped.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees that all reports and/or studies required as a result of the approval of the Plan of Subdivision shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City at the sole expense of the Owner, and that the City may require certification by the Owner’s professional consultants that the Works have been designed and constructed in accordance with the approved reports, studies, standards, specifications and plans to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees to be responsible for the provision of the following services, at its cost, to the satisfaction of the City;


a)         roads, ditches and conveyance systems;

b)         street lights, marker lighting; and

c)         street names and traffic signs.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees that any lands, which may form part of a subsequent phase for this Subdivision shall be described on Schedule F, Section A, Phasing of Development.  An Inhibiting Order shall remain registered on all subsequent Phase(s) Residential Lands until such time as the Hydrogeological Study Performance Report for wells and septic for Phase 1 Residential Lands is completed and approved.











The Owner agrees that prior to registration of the Plan of Subdivision, the Owner shall ensure that the proposed Plan of Subdivision shall conform with a Zoning By-law approved under the requirements of the Planning Act, with all possibility of appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board exhausted.


OTTAWA Planning




The Owner undertakes and agrees that prior to the registration of the Plan of Subdivision, the Owner shall deliver to the City a certificate executed by an Ontario Land Surveyor showing that the area and frontage of all lots and blocks within the Subdivision are in accordance with the applicable Zoning By-law.


OTTAWA Planning







The Owner shall provide for temporary turn-arounds for all streets terminating at the edge of any phase of development, prior to registration of the Plan, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. The Owner agrees that it will convey to the City at no cost any temporary easements that may be required in order to establish the temporary turn-arounds. Turning circle(s) may include a 0.3 metre reserve along the perimeter of any temporary turning circle(s), to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.  For any portion of the temporary turn-around easements that do not form part of the permanent road allowance, the easements shall be released at the expense of the Owner when the easements are no longer required by the City.


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner shall convey to the City, at no cost to the City, an unencumbered road widening along Stagecoach Road, adjacent to the subdivision lands, measuring 15 metres from the existing centreline of the asphalt roadway in accordance with the Official Plan.  The required widening shall be illustrated on the Draft M-Plan and Final Plan of Subdivision as a dimension from the existing centerline of the public highway to the required widened limit.  The Owner’s certificate on the Plan shall indicate which blocks are being dedicated as a Public Highway to the City and the said Plan shall be submitted in draft to the City Surveyor for review and approval.  If it is determined that a widening is not required, the Owner’s Surveyor shall illustrate the distance from the existing centerline of the Public Highway to the existing road limit on the Draft M-Plan and the Final Plan of Subdivision.  All of which will be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management and the City Surveyor.


OTTAWA Planning

City Surveyor




Any dead ends and/or open spaces of road allowances created by this plan of subdivision shall be terminated in 0.3 metre reserves to be conveyed to the City. This may include a 0.3 metre reserve along any temporary turning circle(s). The Owner may place 0.3 metre reserves on the following locations:

Block 41 along Block 49

Block 42 along Street A

Block 48

Block 50 along Lot 1

Block 52 along Street A

Block 53 along Block 46, 47, Street A, and Stagecoach Road


OTTAWA Planning Legal



The Owner shall provide the following 5 m x 5m site triangles on the final plan:


Street A intersection with Stagecoach Road

Street B intersection with Street A

Street B intersection with Courtland Grove Crescent

Street C intersection with Street A


OTTAWA Planning Legal




A 0.3 m reserve adjacent to the widened limit of Stagecoach Road shall be indicated on the plan submitted for registration and conveyed at no cost to the City.


OTTAWA Planning Legal




The Owner agrees to provide a construction traffic management plan for the subdivision prior to the earlier of registration of the Agreement or early servicing.  Such plan shall be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.


OTTAWA Planning




All streets shall be named to the satisfaction of the Director of Building Code Services and in accordance with the Municipal Addressing By‑law or the Private Roadways By-law as applicable.


OTTAWA Planning





The Owner acknowledges and agrees that the design of all Road intersections, including geometric, intersections spacing, grades, the conveyance of the necessary sight triangles and required 0.3 meter reserves necessary for lot access control or until the future construction of Road extensions or future development of adjacent lands, shall be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.


OTTAWA Planning



Where land has been dedicated for road widening purposes as part of the planning process, where the Owner receives no financial compensation or in-kind consideration in exchange for the widening, and where the City deems that the land is no longer required for that purpose, the lands may be conveyed back to the original owner, or its successor in title, for $1.00.  The owner, or its successor in title, will be responsible for all costs to complete said conveyance, including an administrative fee.


OTTAWA Planning


HR 13

Prior to the registration, the Owner shall obtain approval of a road closure for those lands (specify) the applicant proposes to acquire from the City and acquire said lands from the City prior to Final Approval in order to include said lands on the final plan of subdivision.


OTTAWA Planning




The Owner acknowledges that the construction of buildings may be restricted on certain lots and/or blocks until such time as Road connections are made so that snowplow turning and garbage collection can be implemented to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner acknowledges and agrees to dedicate the proposed streets, as shown on the Plan as Public Highways, to the City.


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner acknowledges and agrees to construct temporary turning circles at no cost to the City as required for dead end streets in a matter satisfactory to the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. All turning circles shall have a right of way radius of 21.5 metres and shall include a 0.3 metre reserve along the perimeter of any temporary turning circle(s) all to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. The design of all Road intersections, including geometric, intersection spacing, grades, the conveyance of the necessary sight triangles, 10 metres x 10 metres at the intersection of arterial/collector roads, 5 metres x 5 metres at the intersection of local Roads within the Subdivision and the required 0.3 metre reserves for lot access control, shall all be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.



OTTAWA Planning



The Owner acknowledges and agrees to conform to the City’s Municipal Addressing By-Law being By-Law No. 2005-322, as amended.


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner acknowledges and agrees to be responsible for 100% of the cost and installation of all permanent and temporary street name signs and traffic signs that may be required in accordance with City Specifications. All signs shall be installed and located to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management and installed prior to Acceptance by the City of the Roads within the Subdivision.


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner acknowledges and agrees that any dead ends and/or open spaces of Road allowances created by this Plan of Subdivision shall be terminated in 0.3 metre reserves to be conveyed to the City.  This shall include a 0.3 metre reserve easement along any temporary turning circles.


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner acknowledges and agrees to orient all driveway accesses for residential units onto internal Roads.




The Owner acknowledges and agrees that all street lighting shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City Specifications and design.  Marker Lighting shall be used in this development.


OTTAWA Planning








The Owner acknowledges and agrees to retain the services of the previously referred to geotechnical engineer to ensure that the recommendations of the report are fully implemented. The Owner shall provide the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management, with certificates of compliance issued by the geotechnical engineer with respect to each of the matters identified in paragraph 81 of this Schedule “F”.  Furthermore, the Owner shall provide the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management with certificates of compliance issued by the geotechnical engineer prior to construction of the foundation and prior to a request for backfill inspection.






Sidewalks, Walkways, Fencing, and Noise Barriers





The Owner shall construct a 6 metres asphalt pathway within Block X (linking Street A to Courtland Grove Crescent) as well as fencing at the perimeter of the walkway block and plantings, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.







The Owner agrees to design and construct, at no cost to the City, sidewalks in accordance with City Specifications in the following locations:

·         South side of Street A from Street B to Stagecoach Road






The Owner agrees to connect all new sidewalks/pathways to the existing sidewalk/pathway(s) to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.






The Owner agrees to design and construct, at no cost to the City, 1.8 metre black vinyl-coated chain link fences in accordance with the Fence By-law and all other City Specifications, at the following locations:


·         ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Block X (linking Street A to Courtland Grove Crescent)






The Owner agrees that any vinyl-coated chain link fence required to be installed under this Agreement, shall be located a minimum of 0.15 metres inside the property line of the private property.






The Owner shall insert a clause in each agreement of purchase and sale and Deed for lands which fences have been constructed stating that:


“Purchasers are advised that they must maintain all fences in good repair, including those as constructed by Sunset Lakes Development Corporation along the boundary of this land, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth management. The Purchaser agrees to include this clause in any future purchase and sale agreements”.











The Owner agrees that for all single detached lots, a minimum of 1 tree per interior lot and 2 trees per exterior side yard lots shall be provided on the Landscape Plan to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. Said streetscape plan shall also include trees at a 6-8 metre on-centre separation distance the full extent of the road right-of-way abutting the future park block(s). Should specific site constraints prevent said allocation of trees, the required plantings shall be provided within any proposed park(s), open space or environmental blocks, non-residential road right-of-way frontages, stormwater management facility(s), or other suitable alternative location, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.






The Owner agrees to have a landscape plan for the draft plan of subdivision prepared by a Landscape Architect. The landscape plan shall include detailed planting location and species list, pathway width and materials, access points, fencing requirements and fencing materials and shall be approved by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management prior to subdivision registration.



Planning Forestry Services



The Owner agrees to implement the approved landscape plan to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.


Planning Forestry Services



The Owner agrees to have a tree conservation report prepared by an arborist, forester, landscape architect, or other qualified professional, to be coordinated with the grading and drainage plan. The tree conservation report will identify the vegetation communities and specimens that are to be preserved, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.



Planning Forestry Services



The Owner agrees to implement the approved tree conservation report measures, prepared in accordance with City Specifications and Standards following registration of the plan, at the cost of the Owner.  The Owner shall provide the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management with an arborist's, forester's, landscape architect's, or other qualified professional's certification that the plan has been fully implemented.



Planning Forestry Services



The Owner shall implement the protection measures outlined in the tree conservation report, to ensure preservation of the trees identified for protection, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.



Planning Forestry Services



Gateway Features





Community Features:


The Owner acknowledges and agrees that the proposed Community Gateway Feature(s) located at Stagecoach Road shall be designed, constructed and certified by a qualified professional and shall be in accordance with the City’s Design Guidelines for Development Application Gateway Features, applicable by-laws and policies as may be amended from time to time.  The Community Gateway Feature shall be subject to the approval of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.  The Owner shall deposit security in the amount to be determined by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management prior to registration of the Plan to meet the on-going maintenance obligations of the Feature by the Owner for a 5-year period after the construction of the Feature.  The amount of security shall be determined by the General Manager of Planning and Growth Management and will not be reduced or released until the expiration of the 5-year period and certification by a qualified professional that the Feature is constructed in accordance with the Guidelines and approved plans and is in a good state of repair.  The Owner shall file copies of the aforementioned certification with the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.  During the warranty period the Owner shall be solely responsible for the on-going upkeep and maintenance of the Community Gateway Feature to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. The Owner shall be required to make a financial contribution to the “Supplementary Maintenance Fund” as determined by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management prior to registration of the Plan in accordance with the City’s Design Guidelines for Development Application Gateway Features.











The Owner covenants and agrees that Block xx will be conveyed to the City, at no cost, as dedicated parkland. The size and configuration of Block xx on the Final Plan shall be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.


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In accordance with the Planning Act and the City of Ottawa Parkland Dedication By-law, the Owner shall:


(a)          convey Block xx to the City for parkland purposes;


All to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.






All Owner obligations associated with the Park Block must be completed in Phase one of the development by the time of construction of Street A to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning and Growth Management.






The owner acknowledges and agrees that no stormwater management facilities, encumbrances such as retaining walls, utility lines or easements of any kind shall be located on dedicated park blocks without the prior written approval of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.






The Owner acknowledges and agrees that any encumbrances which are not solely for the benefit of the park such as retaining walls, utility lines or easements of any kind on lands, or portion thereof encumbering the design and function of future Park Block XX will not form part of the required Planning Act parkland dedication requirements at the discretion of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.






The Owner acknowledges and agrees, at his expense, to erect on Park Block XX, at a location(s) selected by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management, a professionally painted sign.  Sign material, size and installation and construction details shall be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.  This sign shall clearly read, in English and in French:

Future Parkland

No Dumping

No Removal Soil or Vegetation

No Storage of Materials


The Owner further agrees to maintain the sign (including graffiti removal) and that such sign shall be removed only with the approval of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.






The Owners shall not remove or disturb any of the existing vegetation or topsoil on dedicated parkland unless such removal or disturbance forms part of the remedial work approved by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.  If the Owner disturbs the parkland, it must be reinstated to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.






The Owner shall grade areas of parkland where necessary, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management, so as to provide a uniform surface, free of debris, necessary to establish a safe clean and maintainable surface.  Park Blocks shall be graded in accordance with the approved Grading Plan for the plan of subdivision. No storage of building materials, including granular or topsoil, will be permitted on the Park Block.


It is the responsibility of the Owner to fill with clean earth fill, compact and level the park block accordingly, providing for positive surface drainage. In the event that either cut or fill is required within the park block the owner shall scrape and stockpile existing topsoil on site for future park use. The General Manager, Planning and Growth Management shall approve all works and fill materials prior to being placed on site.





















Unless otherwise specified the Owner shall provide the following services and utilities to all Park Blocks:

a)    The Owner shall provide an open ditch, culvert and driveway in the road allowance adjacent to the park frontage, in accordance with the approved street cross-section.


b)    The Owner shall provide a well, constructed as per Ontario Regulation 903 and the recommendations of the approved Hydrogeological investigation and, shall also be certified by a P. Eng. or P. Geo. The Hydrogeological investigation shall be in accordance with MOE Procedure D-5-5, except for the minimum number of wells.


c)    A 120/240 volt, 200 ampere single phase hydro service at 2m inside the park property line. The Owner is responsible for making all arrangements and coordinating the connection of the new hydro service, including costs and inspections, with the respective electrical agencies.


All works shall be shown on the approved drawings and shall be subject to the approval of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.





















The Owner shall install fencing of uniform appearance and quality, with a minimum height of five feet (5’) (1.5m) along the common boundary of all residential lots and blocks and ravine lands, and hazard lands which abut public walkways and Park Blocks. Fences shall be installed 0.15m on the park side of the common property line, and the location of the fence shall be verified by an Ontario Land Surveyor. Fence materials will be of commercial grade and consist of 6 gauge black vinyl coated chain link material and black powder coated schedule 40 pipe rails and posts or an approved alternative.








No access from private property to public property will be allowed. The Owner shall place the following clause in each Agreement of Purchase and Sale and in Deeds for all Lots and Blocks.


“The Transferee for himself, his heirs, executors, administers, successors and assigns acknowledges being advised that gates accessing public property are not permitted in the fences.”







The Owner shall include a clause in each Agreement of Purchase and Sale and in Deeds for all Lots and Blocks which shall provide notification to all purchasers of lands within the Subdivision that parkland within this subdivision and/or already existing in the vicinity of the subdivision may have:

a) active hard surface and soft surface recreational facilities

b) active lighted sports fields

c) recreation and leisure facilities

d) potential community centre

e) other potential public buildings/facilities.






The Owner shall provide interim pedestrian access to the park in the form of a 6 meter wide pedestrian walkway block with a 3 meter wide asphalt path extending from Street A in Phase 1 to the proposed park location along Stagecoach Road.


OTTAWA Planning



The final design of the storm pond area should incorporate a looped pathway system connecting to the park pathway system. The pathway should be a 3 meters wide asphalt path.


OTTAWA Planning



Environmental Constraints





The Owner acknowledges that any watercourse and/or ditch is subject to Ontario Regulation 170/06, “Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses”, made under Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.27, as amended, administered by South Nation Conservation. The regulation requires that the Owner of the property obtain a permit from the Conservation Authority prior to straightening, changing, diverting, or interfering in any way with any watercourse or ditch. Any application received in this regard will be assessed within the context of approved policies for the administration of the regulation.







The Owner shall have an Integrated Environmental Review Statement prepared, in accordance with the policies of the Official Plan, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.


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The Owner shall prepare a Homeowners’ Awareness Package highlighting the advantages and responsibilities of a home or landowner living in the natural area.  This package is to be included in all Agreements of Purchase and Sale.


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The Owner acknowledges and agrees that the construction of the subdivision shall be in accordance with the recommendation of the Environmental Impact Statement and Tree Conservation Report, prepared by Muncaster Environmental Planning, dated September 7, 2010.

*       Retained trees between the rear drainage swale and the building envelope will generally be six (6) metres in width, as shown on Grading Plan Drawings GP-1, GP-2, GP-3, by Ark Engineering).

*        The owners of each lot shall submit for approval a detailed site plan with the application for design review approval. Tree conservation and planting will be addressed.

*        No tree in excess of 10 cm dbh can be removed for construction of the home except for driveway, septic and living area.

*        Native plantings will be placed adjacent to the retained vegetation at the rear of each lot once the lot servicing is completed. Non-native species are not to be planted.

*        Bands of trees are to be protected with sturdy fencing installed a distance of ten times the trunk diameter from the trunk.

*        No grading activities that may cause soil compaction such as heavy machinery and stockpiling of material are permitted within the fencing, or grade raises, or digging.

*        If any roots are exposed during site alterations, the roots shall be immediately reburied with soil or covered with filter cloth to keep moist until roots can be buried permanently.

*        No tree or shrub removal will occur between April 15th and July 31st, unless a breeding bird survey is conducted within 5 days to identify no active nests are in the trees and shrubs.

*        Effective sediment and erosion control measures are to be maintained until complete re-vegetation of disturbed areas is achieved.

*        Any tree and shrub plantings are to be monitored and any dead or dying material is to be replaced.



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The Owner agrees to implement the recommendations of the Shields Creek Subwatershed Study, and use the Subwatershed Study as a basis for preparation of the final studies and reports.



Planning CA



Record of Site Condition/Contaminated Soil





The Owner shall be required to submit to the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management and Chief Building Official, a Record of Site Condition (RSC) completed in accordance with the O.Reg. 153/04, and acknowledged by the Ministry of Environment.  The RSC shall confirm that all or part of the site will be suitable for the proposed use in accordance with O.Reg. 153/04.


OTTAWA Planning








The Owner agrees to inform prospective purchasers that school accommodation pressures exist in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Schools designated to serve this development and that at the present time this problem is being addressed by the utilization of portable classrooms and/or by directing students to schools outside their community.










(i)                 The Owner acknowledges having been required to retain a licensed consultant archaeologist to undertake an archaeological assessment of the entire property, including 1:10,000 scale mapping, “Archaeological Site Record” and report(s);

(ii)               The Owner agrees to implement the recommendations of the approved assessment, including mitigation, through preservation or removal and documentation of archaeological resources; and

(iii)             The Owner agrees that no site works shall take place until any archaeological resource conservation concerns have been addressed.


All of the above noted conditions shall be to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Culture and the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.


OTTAWA Planning Ministry of Culture


(Ministry provides written clearance to the City prior to registration, usually at the request of the applicant.)



Stormwater Management





The Owner shall provide to the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management any and all stormwater reports that may be required by the City for approval prior to the commencement of any works in any phase of the Plan of Subdivision. Such reports shall be in accordance with any watershed or subwatershed studies, conceptual stormwater reports, City or Provincial standards, specifications and guidelines.  The reports shall include, but not be limited to, the provision of erosion and sedimentation control measures, implementation or phasing requirements of interim or permanent measures, and all stormwater monitoring and testing requirements.  All reports shall be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.


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(a) Prior to the commencement of construction of any phase of this Subdivision (roads, utilities, any off site work, etc.) the Owner shall:

i.        have a Stormwater Management Plan and an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan prepared by a Professional Engineer in accordance with Current Best Management Practices,

ii.      have said plans approved by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management, and

iii.    provide certification to the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management through a Professional Engineer that the plans have been implemented.


(b) Any changes made to the Plan shall be submitted to the satisfaction to the City of Ottawa and the Conservation Authority.


(c) The Owner shall implement an inspection and monitoring plan to maintain erosion control measures.


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On completion of all stormwater works, the Owner shall provide certification to the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management through a Professional Engineer that all measures have been implemented in conformity with the approved Stormwater Site Management Plan.


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Prior to the registration, or the making of an application for a Ministry of Environment Certificate of Approval for any stormwater works, whichever event first occurs, the Owner shall prepare a Stormwater Site Management Plan in accordance with a Conceptual Stormwater Site Management Plan (specified by title of plan, date), Stormwater Best Management Practices and in conformity with the approved Sub-Watershed Plan.  The Stormwater Site Management Plan shall identify the sequence of its implementation in relation to the construction of the subdivision and shall be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management and South Nation Conservation.


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The Owner shall maintain the stormwater management pond in accordance with the recommendations of the Stormwater Management Plan and to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management until such time as the stormwater management pond has been given Final Acceptance and assumed by the City of Ottawa.


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The Owner shall design and construct, as part of the stormwater management infrastructure, at no cost to the City, a monitoring facility or facilities and vehicular access to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.


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The Owner agrees that the development of the Subdivision shall be undertaken in such a manner as to prevent any adverse effects, and to protect, enhance or restore any of the existing or natural environment, through the preparation of any storm water management reports, as required by the City.  All reports are to be approved by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management prior to the commencement of any Works.


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The Owner acknowledges and agrees to monitor water quality of the stormwater facility in accordance with the Ministry of Environment Certificate of Approval requirements and as outlined in the Stormwater Site Management Plan to the satisfaction of the South Nation Conservation Authority as required, after completion and Acceptance of the stormwater management facility by the City of Ottawa.



Planning CA



The Owner acknowledges and agrees that commencement of any Works within any phase of the Plan of Subdivision shall not be permitted until such time as the required storm water management measures have been designed and approved by the City and any other approval agency, the implementation plan has been approved or the storm water measures has been constructed to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner acknowledges and agrees that all proposed residential units shall have their underside of footing elevations set at a minimum 300 mm above the 1:100 year storm event water levels in the proposed storm water management ponds or the high ground water elevation identified in the geotechnical report, whichever level is greater, or such other level as recommended by a Professional Engineer and accepted by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management, in order to provide an appropriate safeguard against basement flooding.


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner shall convey the required easements to the City, at no cost to the City, over the drainage channels, including but not limited to all outlet channels. The easements shall be centered on the drainage channels and shall be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. The Owner shall prepare a reference plan showing such easements plan and such plan must be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management prior to registration.


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner acknowledges and agrees that he shall be responsible to protect the two tributaries outlets identified in the Stormwater Management Report from the subdivision boundary to the confluence with Gray’s Creek Municipal Drain through the registration of an easement over such outlet channel(s) or, the petitioning of a municipal drain or through the registration of a mutual agreement drain. This shall be prior early servicing agreement, issuance of Building Permits or registration of the agreement, at no cost to the City and to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning and Growth Management.


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner acknowledges that any construction or alteration activities within a watercourse or any associated municipal or wetland drains will require a permit from the South Nation Conservation Authority as required under Ontario Regulation 170/06 (Regulation of Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses) before commencing any work along the watercourse.  The requirement of a permit applies equally to works done without a permit before Draft Approval.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees to provide a geomorphic analysis of the outlet channels and demonstrate that the existing two tributaries outlets and downstream system from the subdivision to Gray’s Creel Municipal Drain have adequate capacity for all of the contributing area.


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner acknowledges and agrees to prepare and submit a stormwater management plan and describe how it is to be implemented in accordance with the current Stormwater Management Best Management Practices to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management and the South Nation Conservation Authority.  The plan should address both water quality and quantity concerns. The plan should also consider proposed on-lot controls to reduce the rate of runoff and minimize contaminant transportation. Models, assumptions and calculations of pre and post development runoff are to be included with this submission.



Planning CA



The Owner acknowledges that the Grey’s Creek Municipal Drain is subject to the South Nation Conservation Ontario Regulation 724/94 (South Nation Conservation Authority Fill, Construction and Alteration to Waterways Regulation). The Regulation requires that the Owner receive written approval from the South Nation Conservation Authority before straightening, diverting, and interfering in any way with the existing channel of the Municipal Drain. Any application submitted in this regard shall be assessed within the context of approved policies for the administration of the regulations that are in effect at the time the application is submitted.





Prior to the registration of the Plan of Subdivision, the Owner acknowledges and agrees to prepare a final single consolidated version of the Terrain Analysis and Hydrogeological Study under a single cover to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management and the South Nation Conservation Authority.


OTTAWA Planning




The Owner acknowledges and agrees to adhere to the City’s requirements for the management of stormwater runoff in accordance with the “City of Ottawa, Greely/Shields Creek Stormwater and Drainage Study” report No. 634-00348 prepared by Stantec Consulting Limited, dated October 2002 and the Shields Creek SubWatershed Study June 2004.



Planning CA







The Owner acknowledges and agrees to prepare, as a minimum, plan and profile, grading and drainage, stormwater management, private services, details and utility plans and associated calculations and reports to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner acknowledges and agrees to have topographical surveys completed beyond the boundaries of rear and side yards of lots adjacent the new proposed lots for the purposes of drainage water control. The surveys shall be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. The Owner shall obtain all necessary access permission to carry out this work at its cost.


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner acknowledges and agrees that this development shall not interfere with existing drainage patterns for adjacent lands during construction and after the completion of the development of this Subdivision. Drainage from the existing adjacent lands must be accommodated if blocked or affected by this development, to the


satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees to submit an as-built grading plan showing actual ground elevations to geodetic datum at front, rear and side of houses, driveways at edge of pavement and at garage, all lot corners, swale inverts, terraces and top and bottom of retaining walls. The grades must be taken under the super­vision of a Professional Civil Engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor.


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The Owner acknowledges and agrees to have a civil engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario or an Ontario land surveyor certify the elevation of the top of footings prior to completion of the foundation walls, and the Owner shall remove said footing if found to be out by more than 0.1 metre from the approved design grading plan. Said elevation shall be submitted by the professional civil engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor to the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management for approval prior to the completion of the foundation walls.









The Owner acknowledges that the South Nation Conservation Authority is under a Level 3 Agreement with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada to screen Works that are in or beside water. The impacts that any such Works may have on fish habitat, whether directly adjacent to the site or downstream, will necessitate a review by the South Nation Conservation Authority and may require approval of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.  Thia uncludes works already completed without the South Nation Conservation and Department of Fisheries and Oceans approvals.






The Owner agrees that no in-stream works will occur within any watercourse or ditch conveying water between March 15th and July 1st of any given year.







The Owner agrees that all approvals and conditions of approval shall be met as required by the South Nation Conservation, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, and all other Municipal and Provincial authorities. A copy of all agreements, permits and certificates of approvals required by the agencies noted above shall be presented to the City prior to requesting any Building Permits and prior to the City issuing commence work notifications to begin construction.



Planning CA




Unserviced Lands




The Owner agrees that all well construction, including test wells, shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the approved Hydrogeological and Terrains Analysis Report, and that certification by a Professional Engineer or Professional Geoscientist will be provided to South Nation Conservation in this regard.  The Owner shall advise all prospective lot purchasers, in the agreements of purchase and sale and in the Deed(s), of these certification requirements.  The Owner also agrees that the Subdivision Agreement with the City of Ottawa will require South Nation Conservation Authority to indicate satisfaction with the well certification.



Planning CA



The Owner acknowledges and agrees that the City does not guarantee the quality or quantity of groundwater. If, at some future date, the quality or the quantity of groundwater becomes deficient, the City bears no responsibility, financial or otherwise, to provide solutions to the deficiency, such solutions being the sole responsibility of the homeowner.  The homeowner is advised to test his/her well on a regular basis for bacteriological and select chemical parameters (for eg. – nitrate and chloride).  Advice on well maintenance can be found in the How Well is Your Well Guide and Water Wells Best Management Practices Guide, both of which can be obtained from the City or the Rideau Valley Conservation Landowner Resource Office.  The Owner covenants and agrees that it will advise all prospective lot purchasers in the agreement of purchase and sale and all Transfers/Deeds of these groundwater concerns.


OTTAWA Planning  Legal



The Owner acknowledges and agrees that if this subdivision is to be phased, each phase of registration is to contain not more than 40 lots.  Prior to the registration of each phase other than the first phase, the Owner shall submit a performance review of the operation of wells and private sewage disposal systems in the previous phase(s) of the development.  Such review shall demonstrate that the previous phase(s) are operating satisfactorily. The approved Hydrogeological report shall be re-assessed in light of any new information obtained in the performance review A Professional Engineer, with experience in hydrogeology, or a Professional Geoscientist shall prepare the performance review. The final number of lots required for analysis must be supported in the performance review, but in any case the performance review shall only be prepared and submitted for review when a minimum of 50% of the lots in the previous phase have been built and occupied for not less than one year, and, when requesting the registration of any phase beyond the second phase, a representative number of lots, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management, in the older phases must also be analysed.  Further, the Owner agrees that prior to the registration of each phase, lots in that phase or any subsequent phase will not be offered for sale.


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The Owner acknowledges and agrees that Blocks 41, 42, 44, 45 and 53 will remain undeveloped.  No development will take place on these blocks and they will be zoned accordingly.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees that development is prohibited on Blocks 41, 42, 44, 45 and 53.  Development on these Blocks can only be considered by the City upon completion of a comprehensive Terrain Analysis and Hydrogeological Study demonstrating to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management that nitrate dilution and resulting nitrate concentration meet the requirements of MOE Procedure D-5-4 at the downgradient property boundary for this development for the lots created under this subdivision.  The Owner further acknowledges and agrees that development on these Blocks can only proceed upon completion of a Servicing Review Study of the operation of the wells and wastewater disposal systems from a minimum of 50% of the lots created under this subdivision occupied for one




year confirming to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management that continued development is appropriate and identifying additional requirements.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees that specific wording shall be inserted in the Zoning to ensure that the maximum allowable impervious area including house and driveway area for each residential lot in this subdivision shall be limited to the maximum impervious area of 220 square meters indicated in the dilution calculation provided in the Hydrogeological and Terrain Analysis.


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The Owner acknowledges and agrees that a permit to take water is required under the Ontario Water Resources Act from the Ministry of Environment for taking more than 50,000 litres of water a day from any source including a well.





The Owner shall provide a dedicated monitoring well, at no cost to the City, and to which the City will have unlimited access by way of a permanent easement dedication, to monitor groundwater conditions. Where the subdivision has a number of phases one monitoring well may be required for each phase of development.  The aforementioned easement shall be to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.


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The Owner agrees that existing wells on the site, including test wells that shall not be utilized for potable water supply or monitoring in the future, shall be abandoned in accordance with well regulations (Ontario Water Resources Act, R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 903, and any subsequent amendments) at no cost to the City.  A certificate of compliance shall be provided in this regard.


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Prior to the registration of the Plan of Subdivision, the Owner acknowledges and agrees to prepare a final single consolidated version of the Terrain Analysis and Hydrogeological Study under a single cover to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management and the South Nation Conservation.


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The Owner acknowledges and agrees that an Inhibiting Order will be placed upon the Subdivision lands, which Inhibiting Order will be lifted on each Phase by the City after the following:


a)   approval by the City of all reports mentioned Condition UL3                                                                                                                                                                                                   demonstrate that the operation of the wells and private sewage disposal systems in each Phase, after the first Phase of the development in accordance with all approval agency regulations;

            b)  Owner’s execution of this Subdivision Agreement; and

           c)  payment of all sums required for security and fees for Phase 2 Residential Lands.





The Owner shall insert a clause in all offers of purchase and sale, to notify a prospective purchaser that shall include the following notification:  “Well construction shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the approved Hydrogeological and Terrain Analysis Report, prepared by Paterson Group Inc. Consulting Engineers and certification by a Professional Engineer or a Professional Geoscientist, licensed in the Province of Ontario, shall be provided to the City of Ottawa in this regard. All wells shall be certified in accordance with the Osgoode Well Compliance By-Law 37-98, or as superseded by any City of Ottawa well inspection program in effect at the time of well certification. In addition to bacteriological testing, well water shall be tested for all nitrogen species, sodium and chloride and the results shall be submitted to the City with the well certification. This certification is required prior to final inspection by the City to permit occupancy of buildings.”





The Owner acknowledges and agrees to drill all wells to the March or Nepean aquifer through the limestone formation. The Owner shall ensure that all such wells are cased a minimum of 40 m to isolate access to only the lower formations and properly grouted in accordance with Ontario Regulation 903, as amended, and in accordance with Osgoode By-law 37-98.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees to include statements in all offers of purchase and sale agreements with prospective lot purchasers, in wording acceptable to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management advising that all wells must be drilled to the lower formations through the limestone formation and that all such wells must be cased a minimum of 40 m to isolate access to only the formations and properly grouted in accordance with Ontario Regulation 903, as amended, and in accordance with Osgoode By-law 37-98.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees to submit a private services plan, prepared by a Civil Engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario, to the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management for approval, showing proposed locations for the houses, sewage disposal systems, wells and drainage easements. This plan will be for the purpose of subdivision approval only. The exact location of the sewage disposal systems will be determined at the time of the building permit application and will be subject to approval by the Ottawa Septic System Office. Any significant deviation in the location of the sewage disposal system shall require approval by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.


OTTAWA Planning



The homeowner is advised to regularly inspect the septic system and follow a septic management program to minimize the potential for contamination of groundwater by operation of the septic system.  The guides entitled “Septic System Do’s and Don’t” and “Septic Smart Guide” can be obtained from the Ottawa Septic System Office.  The Owner covenants and agrees that it will advise all prospective lot purchasers in the agreement of purchase and sale and all Transfers/Deeds of these septic system requirements.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees that the home water treatment systems utilized for improving home water quality must be inspected regularly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation.   The Owner covenants and agrees that it will advise all prospective lot purchasers in the agreement of purchase and sale and all Transfers/Deeds of these water treatment requirements.





The Owner acknowledges that the sodium levels in well water may exceed 20 mg/l. The City Medical Officer of Health recommends that persons with cardiac problems (hypertension, etc.) discuss this matter with their family physician prior to accepting an offer of purchase. The Owner covenants and agrees that it will advise all prospective lot purchasers in the agreement of purchase and sale and all Transfers/Deeds of these sodium concerns.





The Owner agrees that the design and construction of the sewage treatment facility for the individual lot shall conform to the recommendations of the approved Hydrogeological and Terrain Analysis Report.  The Owner covenants and agrees that it will advise all prospective lot purchasers in the agreement of purchase and sale and all Transfers/Deeds of these sewage treatment requirements.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees that due to the size of the lot and that the lot will be serviced with a well and private sewage disposal system, sufficient area may not be available for the installation of a swimming pool or any accessory buildings and/or structures.  If it is the Owner’s intention to install a swimming pool or construct or place such buildings or structures, the area requirements must be considered during the initial development of the lot to ensure appropriate clearances from the well and the septic system.  The Owner covenants and agrees that it will advise all prospective lot purchasers in the agreement of purchase and sale and all Transfers/Deeds of these swimming pool and or buildings or structure concerns.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees that lots shall be made suitable for the installation of sewage systems prior to or at the building permit stage to the satisfaction of Ottawa Septic System Office and in conformity with the Ontario Building Code.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees that the septic system design shall be based on an investigation of each lot in the Subdivision, such investigation is to be prepared by a qualified professional, to evaluate the suitability of local conditions on each lot.  All septic systems shall be constructed in accordance with Part 8- (Sewage Systems) of the Ontario Building Code under the Building Code Act, and any subsequent amendments.  The Owner covenants and agrees that it will advise all prospective lot purchasers in the agreement of purchase and sale and all Transfers/Deeds of these septic system requirements.










The Owner shall comply with Hydro Ontario’s Conditions of Service and thus should be consulted for the servicing terms.  The Owner should consult Hydro Ontario prior to commencing engineering designs to ensure compliance with these documents.





The Owner shall pre-consult with Hydro Ontario any proposed reduction to the City of Ottawa three-metre minimum standard setback prior to designing the electrical servicing, as it may affect the electrical servicing design, timeline for installation and cost.  This includes any proposed overhang encroachment into the 3m-setback space.





The Owner may be required to enter into an Electrical Servicing Agreement with Hydro Ontario Limited, to the satisfaction of Hydro Ontario.





The Owner shall contact Hydro Ontario to discuss electrical servicing for the property.  By Hydro Ontario commenting on this proposal, Hydro Ontario has not committed to, or approved the electrical servicing of the proposed development.





The Owner may be responsible for a Capital Contribution payment(s) towards a distribution system expansion, if the proposed development requires electrical servicing greater than can be provided by the existing distribution system in the vicinity, either in capacity or in extension limit.  This amount shall be in accordance with Hydro Ontario's Contributed Capital Policy and Conditions of Service.





Hydro Ontario’s standard distribution network is overhead for any voltage system along or through open fields, business parks, rural areas, arterial, major collector and collector roads.   Any additional premium costs beyond the standard shall be at the Owner’s cost.  In all instances, electrical distribution above 27kV is via overhead distribution.





The Owner shall be responsible for servicing the buildings within the property.  Only one service entrance per property shall be permitted.





The Owner shall convey, at their cost, all required easements as determined by Hydro Ontario.





Prior to commencement of any construction activities, the Owner shall inform Hydro Ontario of any acute shock construction process or rubbelization to be used during construction. The Owner shall be responsible for any damage to Hydro Ontario distribution assets.





Hydro Ontario prohibits any change of grade that results in reduced life expectancy of the asset.  Any change in grade of more than 0.3m in the vicinity of proposed or existing electric utility equipment shall be reviewed with Hydro Ontario.





The Owner shall be responsible for all costs for feasible relocations, protection or encasement of any existing Hydro Ontario plant.





The Owner shall ensure that any landscaping or surface finishing does not encroach into existing or proposed Hydro Ontario's overhead or underground assets or easement.  The shrub or tree location and expected growth must be considered.  If any Hydro Ontario related activity requires the trimming, cutting or removal of vegetation, or removal of other landscaping or surface finishing, the activity and the re-instatement shall be at the owner’s expense.





The Owner shall ensure that no permanent structures are located within the "restricted zone".  The "restricted zone" surrounds overhead medium voltage pole lines, consisting of a five-meter (5m) radial distance from overhead medium voltage conductors, and a two-meters (2m) distance from a vertical line drawn from the conductors to ground level along, the length of the pole line.  This standard complies with the requirements of the Ministry of Labour’s Occupational Health & Safety Act, the Building Code and the Ontario Electrical Safety Code.





The Owner and its agents shall arrange for an underground electricity cable locate by contacting Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255, not less than seven (7) working days prior to excavating.  There shall be no mechanical excavation within 1.5m of any Hydro Ontario underground plant unless the exact position of plant is determined by hand digging methods.  Direct supervision by Hydro Ontario forces, and protection or support of the underground assets shall be at the Owner’s expense.










The Owner acknowledges and agrees to grade, landscape and install erosion control measures, at its expense, on any portion of the proposed lots or adjacent lands in the possession of the Owner which have been filled or where the natural vegetation has been disturbed which fill or disturbance, in the opinion of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management is creating a nuisance, hazard and/or eyesore.








The Owner acknowledges and agrees to the following conditions to be include in this Agreement:


Conditions for Building Permits


     (a)              Prior to placement of Granular, "A" road bedding, the Owner shall acquire approval of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management to ensure that Granular "B" materials are not contaminated. The above shall also apply prior to placement of base course asphalt as it relates to approval of the Granular "A" materials.

(b)       The Owner shall not demand that the City issue, nor shall anyone claiming title from it or under its authority, demand that the City issue, one or more building permits to construct any building or other structure on any lot or block on the subdivision lands until:


        i.      all roads on the lands have been connected to a Street.

       ii.      access for fire fighting equipment has been provided to each building by means of a street or private roadway, which shall be designated and posted to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management and the Fire Chief.

     iii.      the access route has been surfaced with concrete, asphalt, or Granular "A" base capable of permitting accessibility under all climatic conditions and is continuously maintained so as to be immediately ready for use by the Emergency and Protective Services Department vehicles or any other vehicles in the event of an emergency.

     iv.      the City has approved, where applicable, a site plan, a composite utility plan, a grading plan and a design plan for the proposed building or structure





The Owner acknowledges and agrees for each lot the Owner shall submit to the City for approval by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management, a detailed site plan / grading plan with any building permit application. The Owner agrees that no tree in excess of 10 centimetres in diameter can be removed after construction of the home except for the driveway, septic and living area.  The Owner covenants and agrees that it will advise all prospective lot purchasers in the agreement of purchase and sale and all Transfers/Deeds of these tree retention/conservation plan requirements.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees that the footings of all buildings shall be constructed above the normal water table to prevent moisture problems in basements and to minimize the demand on the sump pump system.  The Owner covenants and agrees that it will advise all prospective lot purchasers in the agreement of purchase and sale and all Transfers/Deeds of these footing requirements.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees that all sump lines must discharge to the roadside ditch and agrees that any sump lines located in the right of way, between the property line and the ditch are the sole responsibility of the property owner. In order to avoid damage to sump discharge lines the line shall either end immediately adjacent to the culvert or at the property line.





The Owner also acknowledges and agrees that any new foundation drain connections shall have backwater valves.





Fire Services





The Owner shall not demand of the City to issue, nor shall anyone claiming title from it or under its authority, demand of the City to issue, one or building permits to construct any building or other structure on any lots or block in the Subdivision until firebreak lots are designated to the satisfaction of the City’s Fire Chief.





Prior to final approval the Owner acknowledges and agrees to design any necessary on-site provision of a water supply for fire protection to the satisfaction of Ottawa Fire Services. This shall include the construction of any facilities, and the provision of any easements or Blocks within the subdivision. 






The Owner acknowledges and agrees to provide an alternate means of water supply for approval as required in Section of the Ontario Building Code.  Where no municipal hydrants are available the Owner will provide alternate means of water supply.






The Owner acknowledges that the Ottawa Fire Services shall provide a list of firebreaks for inclusion in the Subdivision Agreement (where applicable).





The Owner acknowledges and agrees that, where single detached home firebreak lots are required, no construction is to proceed past the deck stage until the adjacent units are completed with exterior cladding, windows installed, and roofs shingled.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees to provide and erect or affix, at its expense, such municipal number signs, illuminated or otherwise, in such locations and in such a size, design and colour as submitted to and approved by the City’s Fire Chief prior to occupancy of any building, or part thereof, in the subject development and that any such numbering shall be visible from the street during both the day and night.










The Owner is hereby advised that prior to commencing any work within the Draft Plan, the Owner must confirm that sufficient wire-line communication/telecommunication infrastructure is currently available to the proposed development to provide communication/telecommunication service to the proposed development.  In the event that such infrastructure is not available, the Owner is hereby advised that the Owner shall ensure, at no cost to the City, the connection to and/or extension of the existing communication/telecommunication infrastructure.  The Owner shall be required to demonstrate to the municipality that sufficient communication/telecommunication infrastructure facilities are available within the proposed development to enable, at a minimum, the effective delivery of communication /telecommunication for emergency management services (i.e. 911 Emergency Services).


OTTAWA Planning



The Owner shall prepare a composite utility plan that allows for the safe installation of utilities, including required separation between utilities.






The Owner shall construct streets in accordance with the utility plan approved by the different utility companies.





The Owner shall grade all streets to final elevation prior to installation of the gas lines and provide Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. with the necessary field survey information for the installation of gas lines.





The Owner shall install the natural gas distribution system within the proposed road allowance.  In the event that this is not possible, easements will be provided at no cost to Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc.










The Owner acknowledges and agrees that all exterior lighting shall be designed and installed so as not to cause interference with adjacent Roads and neighbouring properties.





The Owner acknowledges and agrees that marker lighting shall be used in this development.





Land Transfers





The Owner shall convey, at no cost to the City, all lands required for public purposes, including but not limited to, reserves, road widenings, daylighting triangles, walkway blocks, open space blocks, lands required for parks (or cash-in-lieu thereof) and for storm water measures, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. In particular, the Owner shall convey, at no cost to the City, the following lands:


i)                    Pathway, Walkway or Servicing Blocks –

ii)                  Open Space Blocks –

iii)                Watercourses (buffer strips/riparian corridors) -

iv)                Park Blocks –

v)                  Storm Water Management Blocks –

vi)                Road Widening Blocks –

vii)              0.3 m Reserve Blocks –

viii)            Daylighting Triangles –

ix)                Transit Corridors –

x)                  Wetlands –


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The Owner shall convey, at no cost to the City, any easements that may be required for the provision of water and wastewater systems, in addition to underground or overland stormwater drainage systems to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management.


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Development Charges By-law





The Owner acknowledges that some of the works of the Subdivision are eligible for development charges revenues pursuant to the City’s applicable Development Charges By-law and background study, as well as budget approval by City Council where required. Such contributions are to be determined and agreed to by the City, prior to the commencement of the associated Works or as agreed to by the City. The Owner agrees to enter into any agreements that may be required pursuant to the applicable Development Charges By-law.


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The Owner shall inform the purchaser after registration of each lot or block of the development charges that have been paid or which are still applicable to the lot or block.  The applicable development charges shall be as stated as of the time of the conveyance of the relevant lot or block and the statement shall be provided at the time of the conveyance.  The statement of the Owner of the applicable development charges shall also contain the statement that the development charges are subject to changes in accordance with the Development Charges Act, 1997 and the Education Development Charges Act.


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The Owner acknowledges and agrees to enter into any front-ending agreements with the City of Ottawa for (specify the works) that are anticipated to be required in advance of the time as approved by Council. The City shall repay the Owner for the cost of works as noted herein in accordance with the approved Front-Ending Policy of the City’s Development Charge By-law, and subject to budget approval of the required expenditure by City Council in the year in which it is approved.

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The Owner acknowledges that for building permits issued after January 15, 2010, payment of non-residential development charges, excluding development charges for institutional developments, may be calculated in two installments at the option of the Owner, such option to be exercised by the Owner at the time of the application for the building permit.  The non-discounted portion of the development charge shall be paid at the time of issuance of the building permit and the discounted portion of the development charge shall be payable a maximum of two years from the date of issuance of the initial building permit subject to the following conditions:


(a)          a written acknowledgement from the Owner of the obligation to pay the discounted portion of the development charges;


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(b)          no reduction in the Letter of Credit below the amount of the outstanding discounted development charges; and

(c)          indexing of the development charges in accordance with the provisions of the Development Charges By-law.


The Owner further acknowledges that Council may terminate the eligibility for this two stage payment at any time without notice, including for the lands subject to this agreement and including for a building permit for which an application has been filed but not yet issued.


For the purposes of this provision, “discounted portion” means the costs of eligible services, except fire, police and engineered services that are subject to 90% cost recovery of growth-related net capital costs for purposes of funding from development charges.  The 10% discounted portion, for applicable services, must be financed from non-development charge revenue sources.


“Non-discounted portion” means the costs of eligible services, fire, police and engineered services that are subject to 100% cost recovery of growth-related net capital costs for purposes of funding from development charges.




Survey Requirements





The Owner shall provide the final plan intended for registration in a digital format that is compatible with the City’s computerized system.


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The Plan of Subdivision shall be referenced to the Horizontal Control Network in accordance with the City requirements and guidelines for referencing legal surveys.


OTTAWA Surveys



Closing Conditions





The City Subdivision Agreement shall state that the conditions run with the land and are binding on the Owner's, heirs, successors and assigns.








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At any time prior to final approval of this plan for registration, the City may, in accordance with Section 51 (44) of the Planning Act, amend, delete or add to the conditions and this may include the need for amended or new studies.







Prior to registration of the Plan of Subdivision, the City is to be satisfied that conditions (specify) have been fulfilled.


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The Owner covenants and agrees that should damage be caused to any of the Works in this Subdivision by any action or lack of any action whatsoever on its part, the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management may serve notice to the Owner to have the damage repaired and if such notification is without effect for a period of two full days after such notice, the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management may cause the damage to be repaired and shall recover the costs of the repair plus the Management Fees under Section 427, of the Municipal Act, 2001,  like manner as municipal taxes.


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If the Plan(s) of Subdivision has not been registered by (a date at least three years after the date of draft approval will be inserted later), the draft approval shall lapse pursuant to Section 51 (32) of the Planning Act.  Extensions may only be granted under the provisions of Section 51 (33) of said Planning Act prior to the lapsing date.









RVCA COMMENTS                                                                                           DOCUMENT 3


STANTEC COMMENTS                                                                                      DOCUMENT 4


                                                                                                DOCUMENT 5